Campaign launched to reduce farm vehicle deaths and injuries 

  • Vehicle incidents are the number one cause of deaths and serious injuries in British agriculture
  • Forty-eight lives lost in farm vehicle incidents in last five years, hundreds injured
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE) launches campaign to reduce injuries and save lives

Vehicles play a vital role in farm work but incidents involving vehicles are the number one cause of deaths and serious injuries on British farms.

Incidents involving moving vehicles have been responsible for 30 per cent of all fatalities on farms over the past five years, that’s 48 lives lost in incidents that have destroyed farming families, And hundreds more are hurt in incidents involving moving vehicles on farms every year.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Britain’s workplace safety regulator, is calling on everyone in the farming community to do what they can to reduce the number of injuries involving vehicles and save lives.

HSE says there are three pieces in the vehicle safety jigsaw: operating a safe farm, maintaining a safe vehicle and being a safe driver.

Together, these pieces will help to keep everyone on farms safer. If one piece is missing, the risks increase.

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